Music and Audio Roadmap

This is a detailed roadmap and process breakdown of how I’m currently working on the music and audio for Rune.Academy, as well as what I’m planning in the future. This page will be periodically updated as the work on all the preliminary art progresses.



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Aesthetics Overview 35%

Create an aesthetics overview document for the main genre and sound style to be used for the virtual world. Experiment with different styles and instruments. The music file in this page’s header image is one that I’ve actually worked on and completed as an experiment for the kind of sound I’m after for the world.

music and audio roadmap file

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Create a pool of User Interface sound effects and connect them to different events and buttons related to it.

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Create a pool of environmental and ambient sound effects and loops and connect them to different objects and areas within the virtual world. This includes sound effects directly related to the main character and all of their movements. This will be done as the world is being created.

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Create all music soundtracks to play in the background while exploring different areas of the world as well as while in different situations.

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All Dialogue Recorded 1%

Record all dialogue for the story. Some has been recorded for testing purposes, but really this should be done all at the end once the entire story is written and more or less finalized.

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Have all the previously recorded dialogue edited and fully ready to be added to the characters within the world. This means have all voice effects added, all background noise removed, and all files properly cropped.

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SUPER SECRET EXPERIMENTAL BONUS – May not include later. Will attempt only if time, energy, and coding knowledge allows at a later time.

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Coming Soon