Concept Art Roadmap

This is a detailed roadmap and process breakdown of how I’m currently working on the concept art for Rune.Academy, as well as what I’m planning in the future. This page will be periodically updated as the work on all the preliminary art progresses.



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Aesthetics Overview 100%

Create aesthetics overview documents for the main color scheme, general look and feel, typography, etc., to be used with all things having to do with Rune.Academy. Essentially, mood-boards for days!

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Preliminary Aesthetics Concept Art 100%

Quickly composited concept art to explore possible looks and feels for the world in a more visually concrete way than general overviews.

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Coming Soon

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Coming Soon

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Coming Soon

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Coming Soon

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Coming Soon

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Coming Soon

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Coming Soon

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Coming Soon

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Coming Soon

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Coming Soon

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Coming Soon

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Coming Soon

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Coming Soon

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Coming Soon

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Coming Soon

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Coming Soon

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Coming Soon

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Coming Soon

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Loading Screen Art is done last, after all other more complex tasks are fully tested and out of the way. The art will look similar to the decorative images found here in the site and in the Image Gallery.