If you read the previous update post, then you may have gathered that I’m pivoting directions with the project. Away from the archaic and at-the-mercy-of-slow-web-hosts website model, to something more contained and more conducive to telling a good story and stretching my artistic and creative muscles.
That post was insanely long, so I’ll be doing my best to keep this short. In that post, I not only poured my heart out at all of the frustration I’ve been feeling with this project recently but also detailed a lot of parts of the site that I’d deleted.
Here, the list of deleted items continues in more detail since the last update. Alongside some new additions so that the site serves a newer, greater purpose with the new direction. Hopefully, it’ll be a more pleasant experience now that it’s been more slimmed down.
Items Deleted:
The whole entire Suggestion Box and everything that goes along with it! I know, shocking! But honestly, a better way to reach me would be either on social media or through discord. I never check my emails anyway. Didn’t get a screenshot of the page before I did that, but that’s ok, the illustration was old anyway. You can find it in the gallery if you’d like. But I have half a mind to delete the gallery as well, as it’s also not really needed anymore. I’m keeping it for nostalgia purposes. I’m still combing other pages and removing links to it and finding new ones as I write this.
I’m also seriously debating deleting the library with all of the flippy books that I showed off in a previous library update. I can keep it alongside some of the javascript entertainment spectacles like the Babbling Brooke quote generator, the interactive maps, and the runes you can cast to get an online reading. But it all takes up space and I’m all about trimming the fat at the moment. I may regret deleting this in the future, however, so I’ve made private all of these pages for now.
The email sign-up link has been removed as well as the pop-up with the squirrel on it. I don’t actually have an email marketing campaign, nor do I want to run one. As stated before, I barely check my own emails, and would very much prefer to not be the cause of spam anguish in the inboxes of others. This may change in the future, but for right now, I don’t want to spread myself too thin.
The side menu with the bookcases and other little widgets, as well as the side column on the Updates page
They were useful when there were lots of links to click such as “Join the Community”, “Login”, “Your Courses”, “View Your Profile”, etc. I even illustrated each bookshelf to make sense for the links it would hold. For example, the one with the globe was the one that housed the maps. And at one point, they seemed like the most important thing in the world to get right, as this would be the main panel used to navigate for everyone visiting. But now, absolutely useless. I removed all of those unimportant items and moved the visitor widget to the footer. Here are screenshots of them right before deletion.
I’m entirely unsure if I could use them for anything in the future with the new iteration of the project. They’ll likely be flying around in scrap limbo for a while.
Removed a fairly dumb widget about safety and security that was just taking up space for no good reason and replaced it with the visitors’ map in the footer (as mentioned above).
I reworked the entire About Us page (I’ll go into it more below). But in doing so, I removed quite a lot of text. Again, I’m all about trimming the fat right now and I’m absolutely not in the mood for flowery language. Alongside this, I removed the volunteer profile area where I had everyone’s photos and blurbs. For one thing, there are quite a bit more names that must be added now, and adding a photo and description for everyone would take too much time. But most importantly, not everyone wants to have their photos and information shared so nonchalantly. A concern regarding reverse image search has also been brought up and all images have been removed. In my mind, the ultimate success of the project is still up in the air, and I don’t want to lead anyone astray by talking it up like it’s the best thing since sliced bread. It’s simply a creative project that I’m slowly working on snowballing and I sincerely appreciate every time anyone wants to help out of the kindness of their heart. The need and requests for privacy are completely understandable to me and I absolutely respect the boundaries set by others. I didn’t touch the “In Loving Memory” portion though. It’s a very important section to me – but if family members of the individuals reach out to take them down, I will.
I removed testimonials from both the Front Page as well as the About Us section and moved them to the currently under construction runeshops.com website I’ve finally started working on. Again, I want to compartmentalize, organize, and trim the fat in as many places as possible, and those testimonials no longer make sense being in those areas.
Edited some of the look-and-feel and text on the homepage to echo the new direction of the site/project.
Fixed some broken elements on the calendar page that changed due to updates and me getting a bit too happy deleting things.
Updated all text on the About Us page to fit with the new project pivot.
Hopefully, many more wonderful developments are to come in a very timely manner. Now is a very exciting time, and I feel a fire under my butt to create. So off to make something else I go. Contributing to that snowball.
Hello all! I’m sure all of your lives have been nuts lately. Mine sure has. With a lot of career/family things going on, I had to take a hiatus from doing any updates to this website as well as my social media accounts (which is why, if you haven’t noticed, I haven’t been posting anywhere really). But even though I took that hiatus, it doesn’t mean that I completely stopped thinking about everything I want to work on and everything that is currently in the process of being done.
And that is precisely what I want to touch on in today’s post. This is going to be a long one, so strap on in.
I think every once in a while, it’s crucial to take a step back and take a long, hard look at what you’re working on. Take a break to do some research, work on some other projects, and, in general, let your work sit and digest for a little while. Then, come back with fresh eyes and a newer, more innovative, more informed approach. I do this with everything, be it websites, paintings, drawings, writing, or home improvement projects. And I highly recommend this advice often to anyone who feels stuck in a particular project, as I’ve come to find myself with R.A lately.
With R.A in particular, in the past couple of years, I began to experience a sort of accumulating irritation with the way site progress has been going. This was both on the back and front end, as well as a gnawing notion that there were more robust and substantial ways of accomplishing everything I wanted to achieve without nearly half as much heartache and headache. This also culminated with the fact that it was becoming clearer by the day that this wasn’t the best medium in general for the project (more details below). In my hiatus, I researched the viability of my approach, because all of the work I’d been doing on this site, all the aggravated hours I’d been putting in, all increasingly felt like they were very clearly going to waste – and I wanted to take some time to understand why my gut was telling me this.
In my research, I listened to the advice regarding my progress from people such as yourselves reading this now. Also, from others who had been around the bend professionally more than I have. I actively sought out advice others gave to those in similar situations via online forum archives. I even listened to some YouTube rants by people who seemed to know what they were talking about and pictured them speaking directly to me. It was all very effective at smacking me with reality – like a brick to the face. After all that, I’ve decided to make massive changes to my site and approach to R.A as a whole. Specifically, I was hit with the realization that what I thought was the best path to executing my idea, under closer scrutiny, was a massive time and money sink. And especially if that meant copying what my predecessors were doing wrong, even though I honestly thought that I was bettering their approaches and methods. Also, I needed many moments to collect my intentions and just, in general, realize exactly what I wanted to achieve with R.A. Just because I’ve had this vague idea since I was a kid doesn’t mean I have to stick to it entirely to the last letter if there were better ways of getting things done that made more sense for the present time. Time has passed and people and technology have changed. I myself haven’t stayed the same. So why have I kept my aspirations in their unaltered, childhood forms?
P.S – Before you read, please note that every time I say “as a kid” or “childhood”, I really mean any time from around the age of 6 years old to about 20. I’m serious. The definition is very broad, and upon rereading, I don’t feel like going back and adding specifics.
What’s Now Officially Been Removed Forever And Why
The Entire Learning Interface – This seemed to be one of the few actual things I let on to in the various blocks of text found on this site. It honestly seemed like an incredible idea at the time, especially since I realized the trend of working from home long before the pandemic (primarily because of many of my old work colleagues chattering nonstop about it at the time). I realized that learning from home would follow suit as well. I already joined some “online magical schools” when I was a kid, run by different groups who were looking to capitalize on the Harry Potter trend. Kids were flocking left and right to join schools of witchcraft and wizardry, just like those in the books and movies. Such schools unabashedly said, themselves, in various interviews that that’s exactly what they were capitalizing on.
But many of those schools didn’t seem like the books at all. At least they didn’t convey the same atmosphere to me. They all just had flat, academic lessons to offer. No great story, and, much to my dismay, the classes offered were only remarkable because of the occult and vaguely taboo (for the time) subject matter. They weren’t very interactive or memorable. Most weren’t even anywhere near what I actually wanted to learn about, which was the history and practices of my own ancestors, not just the standard western practices popularized and romanticized in HP. And more than anything, I was chasing the feeling of being wrapped up in an incredible story. Just like in the books. The online schools were just information dumps. No incredible, memorable tale. Just standard digitized encyclopedias written by ordinary folks like you and me.
Well, guess what. Most recently, I’ve come to find that schools such as this are a dime a dozen and have popped up all over the place. Having been active in more esoteric circles on social media, I know this to be a fact, as most of the business-oriented people I follow or that follow me, have a school or course of some sort that they offer on their website. I guess everyone my age who joined the same communities as I did when they were younger decided they could do it themselves too. Perhaps they saw the same gaps in niches that they thought they could fill to make what they had to offer better than what was already out there. Maybe they thought they could make a more established name for themselves or were just looking to capitalize on advice from some online guru for some easy cash. And guess what, they have almost no traction and have to sell these courses very hard, especially since there are so many for the potential customers to choose from. And even potential customers are in general limited since everything can be found online for free with enough digging anyway. (I tried saying I’d keep everything free to try to get around this but the amount of work, time, blood, sweat, and tears that went into everything I did would end up making that an impossibility eventually.)
And on top of everything else, the subject matter is no longer as closed off and exclusive as it was back in the day. It no longer warrants the joining of an exclusive online “magic school” community. Primarily because it’s no longer as taboo as it once was back in the early days of the internet. Support networks are easy to find on popular social apps so the social media aspect of these schools is not necessary anymore. Personally, for every course I was able to gain paywall access to, I was able to find a dozen more free sources elsewhere that explained the same exact subject matter in a much simpler, faster, and more engaging way. People now consume everything via popular apps and don’t have the attention spans to read a short article (let alone a longer one like this – if you consider this long). Only a select few would sit through an entire course. Younger kids especially seemingly have much better things to do with their lives than sit in silence, read, and take tests to pass classes in their free time (which is one of the main ways learning platforms operate – even with gamification cranked up to the max). Even in regular classrooms, teachers now have to do extreme mental acrobatics to hold their pupils’ attention. Only a rare select few would go to a self-directed class. And part of the main problem here is that the old system of lesson->test, lesson->test (rinse, repeat) no longer works. In fact, tests were one of my most hated parts of traditional schooling.
The Funny Quizzes – One of the first things I tried to do to get around that problem, while still sticking within that old system, was to make the quizzes and tests required to pass the classes shorter, more dispersed, thoroughly reworded to encourage more critical thinking, and crucially, individualized, fun, and funny. (I also made sure the lessons I wrote were also very frequently broken up and written in an engaging and fun style.) Sometimes I’d even make a note to include images, diagrams, or even videos, which all took an incredibly long amount of time to put together.
My mixed-age beta test audience loved them, so I thought I’d figured it out! I’d put in “joke” answers in almost every question and would rephrase them so that you couldn’t just copy and search the keyword in the article in a separate window. That’s actually what I did when I was a student at some of these online schools. I’d literally have a separate window open with “CTRL + F” at the ready, and I turned it into a game to ace as many courses without reading a single thing as possible. It was surprisingly easy. In the end, however, I was collecting certificates but not learning a single thing, and that nearly singlehandedly defeated the entire point of the school. But it was because the system itself was boring and outdated and allowed for such shenanigans. I always told myself I’d eventually go back to reread and actually learn, but really, did I? If you were a kid, would you? Of course, you wouldn’t, because it’s not fun and feels like a chore. Even now, I don’t know most adults who would, especially with their busy life schedules. Everything available in such courses is simply available for free in binge-able short video format that’s a lot easier to digest since it’s spoon-fed information straight into your face. You don’t have to do any legwork by sitting down and concentrating and reading or watching long lectures that someone poured hours of their life into. Even most books that were once so coveted on these subjects are now available for free online with a quick Google search of the title + “.pdf”.
The Interactive Landscape – So for a long time I stubbornly stuck to making the same old, broken thing others did, but slightly “better” and “different”. I dug a little deeper into my memory to try to remember what websites I actively engaged with as a kid for hours in the end. These had to be memorable, highly interactive, bright, and colorful sites that would grab my attention with every single thing that was happening. At this point, we’re talking about earlier childhood e-pet sites that were making a splash of a comeback as waves of all the kids that frequented them were getting older and trying to remember the good old days. I remembered a lot of knock-off sites that sprung out of the craze, even when I was a kid, with people drawing their own pets and creatures, and how I always wanted to make one myself. How wonderful would it be if I could make something similar now that I’m older and have the hobby-time to dedicate to learning PHP, etc. But I didn’t want to make another pet site, I wanted to make a small world for R.A, and the use of the interactive maps specifically was what was most interesting to me.
I mean, envision this; how incredible would it be if you could take a boring, old school framework like the one I just described, and place it onto a Neopets-inspired interactive map. It’s what small-child me wanted the Harry Potter website to be when I logged in for the first time ever. Instead, I was greeted with disappointment. So I carried around the idea for making just that wonderful combination of experiences in my mind for almost 20 years. And in my 20’s, I finally decided that just such a Frankenstein might actually be a cool hobby to pursue.
Early on, trying to figure out how to make everything sing well together, I frequented many forums to see if there were any plugins or scripts that would do most of the base framework legwork. I wanted to make it all myself, but I’m not an idiot. I know the scope of the project was incredibly large, and there’s no way I’m making everything myself from scratch. There were some frameworks available, but nothing recently updated and comprehensive. So I realized I’d have to slap something together myself eventually. I found a few different tools to help me make the maps (some of which I posted on Instagram) and the assignments that would take the student on adventures across the maps on the site. They’d learn from various encounters and people they’d meet there. Some of the courses I made would require students to complete these little adventures instead of pass tests. At the end of the little experience, there would be a code that they’d then have to copy and paste into the course password to pass onto the next stage. I had assignments that would make students post onto specific forum threads to encourage student interaction and more natural forum use. After posting the comment, they’d, again, get a code with the “successfully posted your comment” text to move into the next stage. I’d sit there and daydream about finding all of those codes on a cheat-codes website one day. I’d chuckle to myself. Then I’d curse up a storm again because immediately after, something on the site would break again. I even had a whole progress tree of stages that students could advance to, and an entire pre-requisite courses tree set up with titles they could earn with each stage they graduated to. All trashed because it’s just not viable.
Student Interaction – As lightly touched on before, one of the other ways I’d have assignments be more interactive was to have some lead students to the forums area. They would answer specific questions about lessons in pre-set-up threads (similar to having a written assignment vs. just everything being multiple choice). The idea was that this would provoke interaction among students and help them be less shy in discovering the common discussion areas. This was the most infuriating part of the entire build, however. Everything having to do with the forum specifically, for some reason, loved to break. And the breaks weren’t contained to that area. They broke almost everything else alongside them. Only the basic pages that didn’t have anything really linked on them remained untouched.
Part of the reason I’m going into detail with this now is in case anyone else wants to replicate it and take on this version of the project. I personally am dropping it because I don’t see much of a future in it as a website. But everything I’ve written and worked on so far, I’m in the process of migrating to another platform… especially the 200+ pages of fully written out dry, non-personable lessons. They can no longer be in the same format or written in the same way, but at least all of the research has already been done. I’ll go more into that in further updates. But basically, as it stands, everything and its mother has to be rewritten again.
Another feature I included to facilitate student interaction and add to the liveliness of the entire site was to add a chat feature. That, along with the forums, and Suggestion Box, which you can find me mentioning having problems within previous posts, was when I started having significant doubts about using this specific platform and method to make R.A a reality. The chat broke down surprisingly less frequently than the forum. Granted, it only ever held about 2 accounts testing it at a time, which is stupid low for a test and shouldn’t be counted at all. But since the Suggestion box was actually open to the public, it was much more frequently written about. The major limitation was the website server speed itself as well as getting the SMTP to work correctly. After moving hosting services multiple times over, countless aggravated phone calls, and chats with support, we all finally agreed that we needed to set up our own server to make everything work quickly and consistently. This is problematic since I’m not willing to sink more money and time for purchasing, upkeep, and storage. And this is basically when I started to take a step back and rethink if this was really the best way to go about everything.
I was fine with writing for hours on end and doing research from books and sinking the precious waking moments of my life into this project as a major investment. I made the 2+ hour-long train rides to and from work much more bearable at the time. But once the serious issue of purchasing, upkeeping, and storing a server for a site I was making just for fun as a passion project, without knowing exactly how many concurrent users will be accessing it at any given time came up, I absolutely drew the line then and there. At a certain point, I’m no longer willing. Especially since student interaction was never really as important to me as all of the other interactive frameworks I described. Those frameworks were able to scratch my creative, artistic, storyteller itch, whereas students could simply use Instagram or TikTok to satisfy their interaction needs. At a certain point, I deleted both the forum and the chat, but it somehow didn’t help with the site speed. Very aggravating indeed.
Gamification – To add more pizzazz to the progression system and add more rewards, I even came up with a badges and contests system. The badges were similar to basically any old gamification system you’d find on any website or MMO. Some were awarded for daily visitation, some were awarded for finding a random, obscure page on the site, some for reaching a certain level of learning. Most of these systems I can fully end up reusing in the new format I’m migrating everything to, so there’s not too much to groan about here.
For some of the contests, I even made real-life medal-of-honor-like badges I’d be able to ship out to the most eager of students. I’d envision them having fun wearing them to Renn fairs and LARP events, or simply displaying them in a trophy cabinet along with their dance/martial arts/track-and-field/*insert childhood school activity here* trophies. I still have these. They will never be for sale. I still plan on holding contests to give them all out and that’ll be the only way to get one’s hands on them. I guess I’ll go into more details on that in future updates as well.
Real-World Meetups – Speaking of Renn-Fair-like LARP events, I had a short mental fling with hosting one myself at one point. Alongside the half-finished calendar that I uploaded and forgot about, were grand plans for real-world meetup events. Then, the pandemic happened and I lost all sincere interest in pursuing those as well. But in all seriousness, how could I possibly manage to spread myself so thin with maintaining the website, constantly updating it alongside social media, and on top of everything planning and managing real-life events? Pandemic + being overworked + family emergency drama have done a thorough job in turning me off from any such pursuits for the immediately foreseeable future. Not much more to write here. But it was an idea, the remnants of which can still be found across the site and in my cabinets.
P.S. For those that asked – the ritual celebration mentioned in a previous post actually went very well! It was an amazing get-together with some wonderful, thoroughly-missed friends who drove in from all over to come together and see each other for tghe first time in many years. I think that for a very long time now, the only types of real-world gatherings I’ll be able to stomach will be for people who are near and dear to my heart. I do believe I’ve become, in general, more selective with who I spend my time with and who I give my energy to. And I highly suggest this for you too.
I’m now officially incredibly out of steam and will have to end the post here. I definitely have more to say and more to update about. But I thought this post should stand alone and be put out first on account of its uniqueness. Usually, update posts are made about features added and growth of some sort. This one has entirely been about what’s been taken away (I just hope I didn’t forget anything). But that too, is growth in its own way. You sometimes have to drop a lot of old, broken baggade to be able to soar to new heights. This has certainly been a trip, and a massive learning experience. Though I wish I’d dropped some of these old ideas sooner, I’m happy everything happened exactly how it happened. I was able to learn, grow, purse an interest, and amass an icredible body of research that I can convert to future use.
This website now officially serves only one purpose: to post updates on the main project and be an information hub for progress, to-do lists, and roadmaps. I’ll post some fun interactive things here and there that are essentially remnants of old code if I ever get the time. But don’t expect too much. Hopefully, with everything gone, the site itself will load just a tad faster now too.
So as promised, the following is a comprehensive list (in no particular order) of the updates and fixes made to the site while it was down in maintenance mode. No dates are attributed to any of the following updates because everything was done very sporadically throughout all of downtime (and also vaguely simultaneously).
I corrected the way the updates page looked and behaved so that half of it was no longer magically missing. This was the main deterrent from making the website live!
The total site layout was once again fixed. Alongside some minor updates to the website illustrations. But a full illustration overhaul will be coming later, so that shouldn’t be a major point at this stage. All current illustrations are basically stand-in rough drafts of what they should ultimately become. Updates will be live-streamed on Twitch and other social media as they happen.
A slew of various necessary declarations were signed by me on behalf of this site. This was done primarily to make my stance known on certain controversial (to some, obvious to others) topics, and hopefully also to deter certain toxic personality types from bothering me on any of my platforms. All links are prominently displayed on the About Page as well as in the footer widgets of all pages. They’ll also be updated periodically as R.A makes a stand in more places on more topics.
Piggybacking off of the previous point, the About Page was further fleshed out, both in the main body as well as the individual bio’s you can find there. More content was overall added, and volunteer reviews were moved from the front page to there to help differentiate them and keep everything organized.
This might be a bit strange to put on this list, especially since I’ve already made an entire post on it previously, but it happened during maintenance mode downtime so it belongs. I finally was able to set up the Events Calendar I’ve been looking forward to for a while! It’s not complete by any means and still needs to be fully fleshed out but it’s a promising start!
The Suggestion Box was actually broken ? (in the dumbest way possible) so don’t use that for now hahahaha. You can contact me instead via my social media handles that can be found pasted all over the site. It’s not too much of a priority since I’m easy to get in touch with on Instagram, Tik Tok, etc.
Some of you may realize now that TikTok is a new platform I’ve never mentioned before. This will be further elaborated on in a later update as well, but Rune. Academy now has a few more presences online than it previously had, all of which can be found on our LinkTree which can be accessed here. It also includes a commissions section!
Alongside that, new Donation avenues were set up. Some still need further updating but, for the most part, all groundwork should be there. They can, again, be found on R.A’s LinkTree.
Etsy has also been set up and linked to all the shop links on the page. Items are slowly being added.
Possibly the largest change to have happened was the start of a new (unfortunately on the down-low for now) project that allowed for such a pivot in what I was doing behind the scenes that I was able to delete a MASSIVE amount of half-started projects and data. I’d originally had this idea where I was going to combine a plethora of interactive mediums that were difficult to integrate and banked on this website being the main hub for them all. Worrying on the integration caused me to stagnate on actually working on the content itself. It’s a good thing I didn’t sink too much time into it! Because I found a solution that I feel I can definitely handle all on my own and am finally working on something much better! And it’s finally all in one place!
There’s a strong possibility that I’m forgetting something, because for some reason, I didn’t start this post as I was working on everything, but after. So there’s a chance that something actually didn’t make it on here. Apologies if readability is a bit iffy on this post. It’s very late and I’ve been putting off publishing this for long enough now. I need to complete it and move on to the next thing.
Productivity is key!
I wish you all the absolute best and hope to see you all again in the near future~!~~
Welcome to the Massive Maintenance Mode Update!! To explain this update, you first have to understand that most of Rune.Academy’s look and feel info as well as database info was lost in the crash, so we rebuilt whatever we could find and remember. We ended up completely moving providers, which I may have failed to mention in the previous updates, because the backups the previous one made only backed up the bare minimum and weren’t doing their job correctly in archiving everything they were supposed to be archiving (mainly databases… which means we lost basically all of our old updates posts unless they were archived by a third party, which is how we got back whatever we currently have back,). There’s still a few things left to remake, namely java-script interactives, but that’ll have to be done in later updates, as they’re currently a lot less pressing. This update is being posted for bookkeeping purposes and to update everyone on board while the website is still down in maintenance mode.
Everything was worked on at the same time, throughout the duration of a few months (with the site being in maintenance mode for close to a year now), so no dates will be given for any of these. But as of today, this is where everything stands regarding the rebuild:
All old pages have been reinstated, even if some are still blank, all old links are currently live again.
SSL Cert is back up again. New laws make it so those have to be manually redone every year now so that’s annoying. But the new SSL comes with a fancy-shmancy emblem that we placed at the footer of the site.
Work in progress images were added to all side menus that are clearly still works in progress. The bookcase menu still clearly has to be taken a gander at with a second pair of eyeballs to reconfirm that it looks wonky.
All fonts work now! All site colors are all set and work now! There’s an odd berry purple that pops up in some places but it’s kind of pretty so I’m leaving it. It looks like the light purple of the above sweet treats.
New features like the lexicon and calendar have begun work!
The about-us section has been redone and more has been added in. It’ll have to be redone again because I’m actually waiting for some new valuable information to go through. (Currently at a 1/3 on that.) Will also be placed in the footer when that’s done.
Donation buttons are back up and functioning. They’ve also been placed in the footer. And the page is back.
The Art-Gallery is functional now! Yay! I placed all of the old website illustrations there for a nice nostalgia trip later on in years. Here’s a screenshot where you can also see the current footer. The emblems on the bottom are for gallery display. The text will be changed later.
The updates section has been completely fixed aside from the aforementioned sidebar. Might place a header image in there later but that’s not currently a priority.
FAQ was checked again even though there wasn’t really anything broken there.
The Homepage is still broken. updates won’t save. No idea why because the rest of the site is clearly being worked on and updated perfectly fine. I’m wondering if I should just make a completely new homepage and then delete the old one…
A LOT of features have been removed form the back-end to lessen clutter. They’ll be added back once we’re ready for them. There’s really no need for them to be sitting around back there without being used.
User login pages have been dismantled so that they can be made completely from scratch again. Yikes again.
Aside from that, March is the month that everyone is celebrating their birthdays here! So happy birthday to everyone and their mother! And happy birthday to me too soon! See you in the next update!
Today’s update post is incredibly short, but centers around a very exciting new library feature.
This new library feature is a flip-book and helps add immersion and interactivity to the site content.
I’m not going to spend too long talking about it because the below pictured library book should speak for itself. Feel free to mess around with it! The sample below includes some images from one of our Instagram posts.
Well wishes to everybody~ Hope your summer is going great!
This second update began immediately after the first update was posted.
July 3rd –Rerouted the url to take the visitor to the new site instead of the old one (very very sorry for the period the website was down and looking extremely broken). Removed old website files from the server.
July 10-13th –Moved already existing pages from old system to new system (some updates were made and some pages were consolidated). Added all old fonts (although some stubbornly refuse to work) and some old images (most need reworking and are in a new “draft” status).
July 14th – 1:00AM –I got the side menu in decent working order! I’m no software engineer but it moves and looks nice and that’s all I need to be happy for the time being! This is great! Added Suggestion Box functionality. Changed filler text on the main slider. Added a quick Rune.Academy castle filler painting to the top header so it isn’t the default from before:
(This image is basically just me playing around with the layout of the castle and seeing what kinds of changes I should make to the larger images in general. As the header image, the entire picture can’t be seen all at once unless the entire page is resized a certain way, but it serves the purpose so it’s staying.)
This is going to be fairly long, so sit tight. There has been a major, major, major, update to the look and feel of the website.
The previous platform that has been used to run the website has now officially been scrapped. It was meant to be a “learning playground” type of website to begin with, where I figured out what worked and what didn’t work, and what I simply wanted out of this website. Although there was a very beautiful, and almost nostalgic, sort of charm to the previous design, this one offers more functionality and room to grow (without feeling too confined and messy the busier it gets).
So, to get some simple things out of the way first, the following is a visual homage to the prior look and feel of the website. Most of the art is still in rudimentary draft phases, but has been transferred over in-tact, in some form or another, to the new site. Likewise, the information on the pages has been transferred over, although there are updates to the content made constantly.
The Front Page: (the current one can be found here)
This was where the major announcements/greetings to the general public could be seen.
The About Rune.Academy Page: (the current one can be found here)
This was where the visitor could find some general knowledge about Rune.Academy and how it began.
The About Our Creators Page: (this page was consolidated into the one above it and can be found here)
This was where the visitor could find out about Rune.Academy creators and those that helped out and inspired the endeavor.
The Our Site Gallery Page: (the current one can be found here)
This was where the visitor could view a catalog of all of the art that illustrated the website.
The Suggestion Box Page: (the current one can be found here)
This was where the visitor would be able to leave suggestions to site owners about anything their hearts desired. Or just say hi.
The Legal Statements Page: (the current one can be found here)
This was where the Privacy Policy and Terms of Use were housed.
The Donation Page: (the current one can be found here)
This was where the visitor could leave us a donation for our labor on the site.
And finally…
The Old Updates Page with the Original First Post: (the current one can be found here)
This screenshot is elongated specifically so you would be able to read the previous updates made to the old website. Since I’m trying to carry as much as I can over, I thought, why not the old updates as well? The background couldn’t scroll on the previous layout, but if it could, it would have been very boring. Fun fact; those are some of my friends up there. I try to include people I know in these images a lot. It makes my heart glow when I browse the website. It’s like looking through an old photo album.
The change onto the new platform has been, in many ways a blessing and a curse. A blessing because the future looks brighter and a lot of changes can be made faster and more seamlessly. And much more functionality is available with it. It’s a curse because I have to try to get a layout that I like now out of this new one that was provided me. So please sit tight while I try to edit it. I want it to visually evoke emotions that are at least similar to what I almost achieved with the previous one.
Hope you enjoyed this glimpse into the past! Thanks all!